Tomorrow is Martin Luther King Day

Martin Luther King Day is a federal holiday held on the third Monday of January. It celebrates the life and achievements of Martin Luther King Jr., an influential American civil rights leader. He is most well-known for his campaigns to end racial segregation on public transport and for racial equality in the United States. 

Tomorrow (Monday, 15th January) there will be a talk on this celebration at school, at 17:00 in the assembly room on the third floor. If you are interested, you'll be welcome!

Click here to do some reading comprehension activities on this topic. You can check your answers in 'comments'.

Click here to watch the video 'Martin Luther King Jr: A Hero's Dedication'.

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One Response to Tomorrow is Martin Luther King Day

  1. Answers
    1. True
    2. False (He was born in Atlanta, Georgia)
    3. True
    4. False (His father was a preacher)
    5. False (He married Coretta)
    6. True
    7. True
    8. False (His role model was Mohandas Gandhi)
    9. True
    10. False (His famous speech is called ‘I Have a Dream’)
    11. True
    12. False (He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964)
    13. False (He was actually arrested more than 20 times)
    14. True
    15. False (His killer’s name was James Earl Ray)
    16. False (Since 1986 the official Martin Luther King Day has been on 20th January)


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