Archive for 2013


More people are going to the movies in the UK than they have at any other time in the last 30 years and almost every big town now has a multiplex cinema, showing the latest blockbusters.

But this cinema is a bit special. It's called the Electric and has been around since 1910.

Listen to the text and answer the questions below:

What makes the cinema so unique?

Why was the auditorium designed as if it were for music hall?

What is Adam's favourite British film?

Why does Andrea decide not to spend the evening at the Electric Cinema? 

You can find the answers as a 'comment' to the post.


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The Passive: be + past participle

Activity 1: Click on the words in the correct order.
Activity 2: Choose the correct answer.
Activity 3. Active or passive?

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The world of work

Quiz 1: WORK. Choose the correct answer.

Quiz 2: JOB AND WORK. Choose the correct answer.

Quiz 3: STOPPING WORK. Choose the correct answer.

Listening 1: An Unconventional Job.
Emma Sparre-Slater has a very interesting and different job. She's a funeral director, and arranges and runs the funerals of those who have died. It might be a burial or a cremation, depending on the preference of the person who has passed away and their family. Listen to the recording and answer the questions.

1. What does Emma's father do for a living?
2. Which adjectives does she use to describe her job?
3. What exactly does her job entail?

Listening 2: Being a Housekeeper Today.

Margaret tells us what it's like to be a housekeeper and look after a family and their guests. She explains what made her stop working as a 'professional' and become a 'Mrs Mop.' Listen to her and answer the questions.

1: What did Margaret do before she became a housekeeper?
2: Why did she decide to change her job?
3: Why was she once embarrassed when people asked her what she did?

You can find the answers as a 'comment' to the post. 


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Gerunds and infinitives

Activity 1: Click on the words in the correct order.
Activity 2: Choose the correct answer.
Activity 3: Gerund or 'to' infinitive?
Activity 4: Gerund of 'to' infinitive?
Activity 5: Try, remember, forget, stop and regret.

Click here for a list of verbs which are followed by gerund or 'to' infinitive.

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Slow food

As founders of the slow food movement, these towns in Chianti want to preserve the pleasures of good living, good food, family, and friends. Watch the video and do this activity.

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Quantifiers presentation 2 1ero medio from Rafael Alejandro

Activity 1: Click on the words in the correct order. 
Activty 2: Choose the correct answer. 
Activity 3: Complete the gaps.
Activity 4: A few, few, a litlle, little

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Making and responding to suggestions

Making Suggestions from rrrosaco

Activity 1:  Correct or not?
Activity 2: Listen to the conversation and find five different suggestions. Then, do the quiz.

Activity 3: Complete the gaps with the correct word.


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17th March: Saint Patrick's Day

St. Patrick is the patron saint and national apostle of Ireland. He was born in the fourth century and is famous for bringing Christianity into Ireland. St. Patrick’s Day falls on the 17th of March. 

Click here to listen and read some more information about its origins and how people celebrate it today. When you finish, you can try the reading comprehension exercise.

Don't forget to wear green today!

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Third Conditional Sentences

3rd Conditional from Станислав Туловский

Activity 1:  Choose the correct answer.
Activity 2:  Complete the sentences.
Activity 3: Fill in the gaps. 
Activity 4. Choose the correct answer.

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First Conditional and Future Time Clauses

First conditional and future time clauses from Raul Cabezalí

Activity 1:  Type the correct answer in the box.

Activity 2: Choose the correct answer. 

Activity 3: Choose the correct answer.

Activity 4. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

Activity 5: Join the sentences using the verbs in brackets. 

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Teachers in uniforms (number 14)

Discover a place where teachers wear a different coloured uniform every day and say if the sentences are True or False. Click here to listen.

1. Men in the Philippines usually wear short-sleeved shirts and jackets at work.
2. The only difference in the uniforms teachers wear is the colour.
3. Their uniforms are comprised of a skirt and a blouse.
4. The uniforms have a formal look.
5. They´re light violet on Thursdays and green on Fridays.
6. Most faculties make their students wear a uniform.
7. In Britain most teachers wear a uniform.
8. The students in Britain wear different coloured ties depending on the level they are in.
9. In the Philippines the students can´t wear coats or jackets because of the weather.

(Find the answers as a 'comment') 

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-ed and -ing adjectives

Activity 1: Complete the sentences with the correct adjective.

Activity 2: Choose the correct sentence ending.

Activity 3: Correct or incorrect?

Activity 4: Choose the correct adjective.

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Can, could, be able to (ability and possibility)

The modal verb 'can' has present, past and conditional forms:

Present: 'I can speak three languages'
Past: 'My daughter could ride a bike when she was only three'
Conditional: 'I would go to the concert if I could'

Sometimes we can also use it for the near future:

'I can't go to the party tomorrow. I have to work.'

But it has no present perfect or past perfect forms nor future with 'will', an infinitive or -ing forms. In these situations 'be able to' must be used:

Present Perfect: 'I've never been able to drive properly'
Past Perfect: 'When I arrived they hadn´t been able to finish their homework'
'Will' future: 'I'm sure I'll be able to dance much better in a few days'
Infinitive: 'I'd like to be able to speak German'
-ing: 'She left without being able to tell me the truth'

Click here to get a guide to use the correct verb patterns 

Activity 1: Choose the correct answer.

Activity 2: Order the words.

Activity 3: Rewrite the sentences using modal verbs.

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Must, may, can´t (deduction)

We use the following modal verbs to say how sure we are about something.

  • Use 'must' when you are sure something is true:
'Her car is outside her house. She must be at home.'

  • Use 'may' or 'might' when you think something is possibly true:
'We haven't met for ages, he may not recognise me.' 

  • Use 'can't' when you're sure something is not possible or not true:
'She can´t be Spanish. She has a fair complexion.' 

Activity 1: Click the words in the right order.

Activity 2: Choose the correct answer.

Activity 3. Choose the correct answer.

Activity 4. Complete the gaps with the correct modal verb.

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Describing people

Activity 1: Complete the appearance wordsearch.

Activity 2: Listening activity. Family traits.

Activity 3: Listen to the descriptions and choose the correct person.

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Tomorrow is Martin Luther King Day

Martin Luther King Day is a federal holiday held on the third Monday of January. It celebrates the life and achievements of Martin Luther King Jr., an influential American civil rights leader. He is most well-known for his campaigns to end racial segregation on public transport and for racial equality in the United States. 

Tomorrow (Monday, 15th January) there will be a talk on this celebration at school, at 17:00 in the assembly room on the third floor. If you are interested, you'll be welcome!

Click here to do some reading comprehension activities on this topic. You can check your answers in 'comments'.

Click here to watch the video 'Martin Luther King Jr: A Hero's Dedication'.

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Must, have to, should (obligation, prohibition, advice)

  • Use 'must' and 'have to' to express obligation in English. They are very similar but:
'have to' is more common for external, general obligations: 'You have to fasten your seat belt on a plane'
'must' is more common for specific or personal obligations: 'I must study harder if I want to pass the test'

In the past we use 'had to' for obligations: 'She had to wear a uniform when she worked for British Airways'

  • Use 'don´t have to' to say there's no obligation or something is not necessary:
'You don´t have to get up early tomorrow. It's Saturday'

  • Use 'mustn't', 'can't' or 'not be allowed to', to express prohibition in English:
'You´re not allowed to buy alcoholic drinks after 10:00'

  • Use 'should', 'shouldn't' or 'ought to' 'ought not to' to give your opinion or some advice:
'She should be more careful when she drives. She´s had to accidents in one week!'

For strong recommendations you can also use 'must', 'have to': 'Los Miserables is fantastic. You must see it'

Activity 1: Choose the correct answer

Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the words provided.

Activity 3: Should or must?

Activity 4: Mustn't or don´t have to?

Activity 5: Mustn't or don´t have to?

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New Year's Resolutions

Here are some common New Year's Resolutions:
  • give up smoking
  • lose weight
  • start a new activity
  • do exercise
  • be nice
I'll help you with the last one. You can start now, by doing this listening activity on New Year's resolutions.

Happy New Year!

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