
Watch the video and practise the pronunciation of some sports: 

Activity 1: Listen to six descriptions of sports and choose the correct picture.
Activity 2: Read and listen to the text 'The skier' and do the activities.
Activity 3: Do, play or go? Read the rules and do the activity.
Activity 4: Read the text 'The origins of sport' and do the activities. (answers in 'comments') 

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One Response to Sports

  1. Activity 4 answer key:

    Football is the oldest (a game in China in the 2nd / 3rd centuries BC)
    basketball: USA; football: China; tennis: France

    1 30–40
    2 30; 1314; 1667
    3 14
    4 2; 10
    5 1906
    6 3

    1 leather 5 racquet
    2 kick / goal 6 basket
    3 rules 7 metal
    4 matches 8 equipment

    1 of 6 with
    2 through 7 in
    3 on 8 to
    4 about 9 from
    5 as 10 for

    5 Suggested answers
    1 At first players kicked the ball through a small hole in a net. Then / Later they kicked the ball into a goal
    2 At first players hit the ball with their hands. Then / Later they hit the ball with a glove. Finally, they hit the ball with a racquet.
    3 At first players used fruit baskets. Then / Later they used a net with a metal ring. Finally, they used a net with a hole for the ball to fall through.

    6 Students’ own answers / ideas.


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