Archive for March 2013

17th March: Saint Patrick's Day

St. Patrick is the patron saint and national apostle of Ireland. He was born in the fourth century and is famous for bringing Christianity into Ireland. St. Patrick’s Day falls on the 17th of March. 

Click here to listen and read some more information about its origins and how people celebrate it today. When you finish, you can try the reading comprehension exercise.

Don't forget to wear green today!

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Third Conditional Sentences

3rd Conditional from Станислав Туловский

Activity 1:  Choose the correct answer.
Activity 2:  Complete the sentences.
Activity 3: Fill in the gaps. 
Activity 4. Choose the correct answer.

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First Conditional and Future Time Clauses

First conditional and future time clauses from Raul Cabezalí

Activity 1:  Type the correct answer in the box.

Activity 2: Choose the correct answer. 

Activity 3: Choose the correct answer.

Activity 4. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

Activity 5: Join the sentences using the verbs in brackets. 

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