
More people are going to the movies in the UK than they have at any other time in the last 30 years and almost every big town now has a multiplex cinema, showing the latest blockbusters.

But this cinema is a bit special. It's called the Electric and has been around since 1910.

Listen to the text and answer the questions below:

What makes the cinema so unique?

Why was the auditorium designed as if it were for music hall?

What is Adam's favourite British film?

Why does Andrea decide not to spend the evening at the Electric Cinema? 

You can find the answers as a 'comment' to the post.


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The Passive: be + past participle

Activity 1: Click on the words in the correct order.
Activity 2: Choose the correct answer.
Activity 3. Active or passive?

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The world of work

Quiz 1: WORK. Choose the correct answer.

Quiz 2: JOB AND WORK. Choose the correct answer.

Quiz 3: STOPPING WORK. Choose the correct answer.

Listening 1: An Unconventional Job.
Emma Sparre-Slater has a very interesting and different job. She's a funeral director, and arranges and runs the funerals of those who have died. It might be a burial or a cremation, depending on the preference of the person who has passed away and their family. Listen to the recording and answer the questions.

1. What does Emma's father do for a living?
2. Which adjectives does she use to describe her job?
3. What exactly does her job entail?

Listening 2: Being a Housekeeper Today.

Margaret tells us what it's like to be a housekeeper and look after a family and their guests. She explains what made her stop working as a 'professional' and become a 'Mrs Mop.' Listen to her and answer the questions.

1: What did Margaret do before she became a housekeeper?
2: Why did she decide to change her job?
3: Why was she once embarrassed when people asked her what she did?

You can find the answers as a 'comment' to the post. 


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Gerunds and infinitives

Activity 1: Click on the words in the correct order.
Activity 2: Choose the correct answer.
Activity 3: Gerund or 'to' infinitive?
Activity 4: Gerund of 'to' infinitive?
Activity 5: Try, remember, forget, stop and regret.

Click here for a list of verbs which are followed by gerund or 'to' infinitive.

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Slow food

As founders of the slow food movement, these towns in Chianti want to preserve the pleasures of good living, good food, family, and friends. Watch the video and do this activity.

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Quantifiers presentation 2 1ero medio from Rafael Alejandro

Activity 1: Click on the words in the correct order. 
Activty 2: Choose the correct answer. 
Activity 3: Complete the gaps.
Activity 4: A few, few, a litlle, little

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